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Setting the frame for G2P-SOL in Valencia

Joint Kick-off Meeting of G2P-SOL and TomGEM

From May 11th to 13th, 2016, the G2P-SOL consortium and the TomGEM consortium officially started their project activities in Valencia. The joint Kick-off Meeting was hosted by G2P-SOL partner Prof. Jaime Prohens and took place at the premises of the Universitat Politécnica de Valencia (UPV).

The G2P-SOL meeting was opened by coordinator Prof. Giovanni Giuliano from ENEA (Agenzia Nazionale Per Le Nuove Tecnologie, L’Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile). After his short welcome address, Grażyna Gałązka, the scientific officer of the European Commission/Research Executive Agency, gave an overview on administrative issues in Horizon 2020. After all partners introduced themselves and highlighted their role in the project, the work package leaders presented the planned work and objectives within the different work packages of the project.

The second meeting day was reserved for the issues of coordination between work packages and with external partners as well as the ethical requirements of the project. In the afternoon the G2P-SOL and the TomGEM consortium attended a joint session. During this joint meeting, Prof. Giovanni Giuliano (G2P-SOL), Prof. Mondher Bouzayen (TomGEM) and Prof. Antonio Granell (TRADITOM) introduced the main aims of their projects and discussed potential interactions with the project partners.

On the last meeting day both consortia visited the TomGEM partner institution La Fundación Cajamar Comunidad Valenciana whose facilities and experimental station fields for agricultural research span more than 60,000m2 and are located in Paiporta near Valencia.

G2P-SOL – 19 international partners

G2P-SOL is a global research alliance grouping 19 full and 20 associated partners from 4 continents. The project is funded by the EC Horizon 2020 programme with a total budget of €6.9 million and will run from March 2016 to February 2021. The project’s main objective is the harmonization of information on Solanaceous germplasm resources of the four major Solanaceous food crops (potato, tomato, pepper and eggplant), and perform sequence-based genotyping and phenotyping for traits of strategic importance for each crop. These activities will lead to a significantly enhanced understanding of the variability held in these valuable collections, thus greatly increasing their utility in Solanaceous crop improvement – contributing to food security in the face of rapid environmental changes.

Eurice is management partner of G2P-SOL and supports the consortium in the successful performance during the course of the project. As part of the kick-off meeting, Eurice addressed key aspects of dissemination and exploitation as well as project management, contractual and administrative issues in order to inform the project partners about Horizon 2020 regulations and procedures. As part of the G2P-SOL dissemination activities, Eurice took the lead to produce audiovisual material during the Kick-off meeting in Valencia which will be released on the G2P-SOL website once available.

Your Contact
Dr Verena Peuser
European Research and Project Office GmbH
Phone: +49 30 374415832

The G2P-SOL consortium at Kick-off meeting in Valencia
The G2P-SOL consortium at Kick-off meeting in Valencia
The project coordinators of TomGEM, TRADITOM and G2P-SOL during a joint session
The project coordinators of TomGEM, TRADITOM and G2P-SOL during a joint session
Production of audio-visual material during the Kick-off meeting
Production of audio-visual material during the Kick-off meeting
G2P-SOL partners visiting Fundación Cajamar Comunidad Valenciana
G2P-SOL partners visiting Fundación Cajamar Comunidad Valenciana

Tags: Horizon 2020
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