6th CoMMiTMenT Progress Meeting adjacent to the 21st ERCS Meeting
Double opportunity to talk about rare anaemias and their treatments
Only six months after the last progress meeting which was held online, the CoMMiTMenT consortium came together in person for its 6th progress meeting at the ISG Hotel in Heidelberg, Germany, on 01 May. CoMMiTMenT Coordinator Lars Kästner (Saarland University) not only organised the Progress Meeting but he was also in charge of the 21st European Red Cell Society (ERCS) Meeting, which took place just prior to the CoMMiTMenT meeting. Since the majority of the consortium members participated in both meetings, they had some extra time to exchange news and the latest developments in detail.
The actual CoMMiTMenT Progress Meeting contained a mixture of looking back on work packages successfully completed during the previous reporting period of the project and looking ahead to the tasks yet to achieve until the end of the project lifetime. The review report by the European Commission, which had been issued shortly before the meeting and attested the project very good progress, served as an indicator for both perspectives. The main focus of the consortium lies in establishing the final specifications for the µCOSMOS device. Both academic and SME partners will collaborate closely in the upcoming months in order to fine-tune the newly developed technology.
The meeting was kindly joined by Advisory Board Member Stéphane Egée from Station Biologique in Roscoff, who actively contributed to the discussions and for whom this was the third participation in a CoMMiTMenT Progress Meeting. The next CoMMiTMenT Progress Meeting will take place in April 2018 and, since it is an additional meeting, it will be conducted via an online platform. Its main goal is to align all partners for the home stretch of the project. The Final Meeting will take place in Zurich, Switzerland in September 2018.
CoMMiTMenT is a five-year collaborative project funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union. The project aims to develop combined imaging technologies based on optofluidic microscopy and scanning ion conductance microscopy. An integrated, completely simultaneous device named µCOSMOS will be used as a proof-of-principle for therapeutic interventions in rare anaemias.
Eurice is the management partner of CoMMiTMenT and contributes to the successful implementation of the project goals.
Tags: FP7