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A Fresh Chapter: Eurice Continues as Coordinator of New European IP Helpdesk Consortium

On 7 February 2024, the European IP Helpdesk team kicked off a new phase of intellectual property (IP) advisory services for European small and medium enterprises (SMEs), innovators, beneficiaries of EU-funded research and innovation (R&I) projects and stakeholders within the European innovation ecosystems – such as universities, public research organisations including their technology transfer offices and spin-offs.

The coordination of the new consortium remains with Eurice in close collaboration with the University of Alicante (Spain) and the Croatian SME Research and Innovation Services – RISE d.o.o.

The new Helpdesk service will build on the existing service portfolio, which includes an easy-to-use helpline, an informative website, a comprehensive training programme, guiding materials and publications on 'hot topics' in the IP field as well as the implementation of awareness-raising actions, e.g. related to knowledge valorisation practices.

Moreover, the European IP Helpdesk will continue to collaborate closely with other related stakeholders in the European IP & Innovation advisory ecosystem – in particular with the established "Ambassador" scheme in collaboration with the Enterprise Europe Network. Special efforts will be made to increase the interaction with IP actors from EU-13 countries and the showcasing of successful SME innovation pathways.

"We are excited to continue a very successful and highly valued service," says Jörg Scherer, Eurice CEO and coordinator of the European IP Helpdesk consortium since 2018. "Additionally, we are making a concerted effort to enhance the strategic positioning of the European IP Helpdesk, with the aim of demonstrating to SMEs and other innovators the strategic importance and successful valorisation of intellectual property."

To find out more about the European IP Helpdesk, please visit the website:

At the official start of the new contract period, the new European IP Helpdesk consortium met with representatives of the European Commission and EISMEA for a first project meeting on 07 February 2024 in Brussels. (© European IP Helpdesk)At the official start of the new contract period, the new European IP Helpdesk consortium met with representatives of the European Commission and EISMEA for a first project meeting on 07 February 2024 in Brussels. (© European IP Helpdesk)

Innovation Support Actions
European IP Helpdesk
Your contact
Klara Schneider
Project Manager
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