Combating Parkinson's Disease: 2nd Progress Meeting of SysMedPD in Lübeck
Interview filming with project partners and two days of exchanging ideas
24 months into the project, the SysMedPD consortium met for its second Progress Meeting. Prof. Christine Klein, Principal Investigator of work package 1, and her team welcomed around 40 participants at the Institute of Neurogenetics in Lübeck, Germany.
Already before the official start of the meeting, some project partners gathered at the venue to take part in interview recordings organised by the Eurice team. Partners from industry and academia were interviewed and talked about their role in the project, expected results, as well as the impact on future therapies and treatment of Parkinson’s Disease. The interviews will be published in the SysMedPD website soon and via the Eurice YouTube channel soon.
The first afternoon of the two-day meeting started with welcome notes by Prof. Christine Klein and Prof. Rudi Balling, Director of the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB), followed by a status update by each work package leader. The day was rounded off with a joint dinner at a local restaurant where participants continued their discussions from the previous meeting sessions.
The second meeting day was primarily dedicated to parallel group sessions where partners had the opportunity to talk about specific project tasks, and to plan the project activities for the coming months. Prof. Anthony Lang, Director of the Movement Disorders Clinic and member of the External Advisory Board for SysMedPD, provided his expertise and feedback.
In addition to the meeting sessions, SysMedPD researchers displayed scientific posters that gave attendees an insight into their project-related research topics. The 3rd Progress Meeting will take place in January 2019.
The Eurice team is involved in SysMedPD as management and dissemination partner and contributes to the successful implementation of the project goals by supporting the consortium in all aspects of project management and dissemination activities such as the project website and events.