EIT Health Project RAMSES Successfully Kicks off its Activities
On February 17, the RAMSES consortium met for its kick-off meeting on the impressive site of the Nürburgring in Germany to plan the upcoming project activities for the development of the life-saving product EmergencyEye®. The project is supported by EIT Health for 12 months. Eurice provides management support of the RAMSES project, being in charge of the administrative, financial and contractual management.
After welcoming words by Prof. Wilhelm Stork, project lead and Head of the Institute for Information Processing Technologies (ITIV) at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the meeting started with a keynote by Prof. Bernd Böttiger from the University Hospital Cologne, who highlighted how smartphone technologies have become increasingly important in providing support in emergency situations. Prof. Böttiger also stressed the importance of medical education already at child’s age, and that everyone can help when it comes to resuscitation: "All it takes is two hands."
Following a presentation on project management by Eurice, the team leaders provided an overview of the work packages, including the objectives and key performance indicators. In the coming months, the RAMSES consortium will continue to intensify its collaboration to reach the project goals.
The consortium meeting was combined with a 48-hour hackathon. According to the motto "Save lives with your hack", over 100 IT developers and business experts worked on mobile solutions to improve support in emergency situations. Please find impressions of the event here or watch the latest YouTube video about the event.
The next #hackathonamring is already planned for the weekend of 24th March 2018 and we encourage interested parties to visit www.hackathonamring.jimdo.com or directly register online.