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Eurice Publishes Special Issue of “les Nouvelles” on Technology Transfer Together with the Licensing Executive Society International & European Patent Office

As part of the European IP Helpdesk's communication activities coordinated by Eurice, the team has joined forces with the European Patent Office (EPO) and the Licensing Executive Society International (LESI) for a special issue of "les Nouvelles", the official journal of the LESI.

The special issue looks at a number of successful technology transfer journeys demonstrating the importance of patents and other IP rights when translating research results into commercially successful products and services. Based on a new case study series jointly developed by the European Patent Office, the European Patent Academy and the European IP Helpdesk, the articles cover a range of economic sectors, countries, and types of technology transfer. Each article uses case studies to illustrate how strategic IP management facilitates critical collaborations and technology transfer (from lab to market), helps boost the market success of spin-offs and start-ups, and advances the business of IP globally in tangible ways.

In addition, the European IP Helpdesk contributed a piece specifically dealing with IP challenges and opportunities for SMEs in the context of EU-funded collaborative research projects. The expert article was written by Eurice's Jörg Scherer, Managing Director, and Stephanie Weber, Head of Communications & Marketing, in collaboration with the external expert Dr Eugene Sweeney, Director of Iambic Innovation Ltd.

"We are delighted to have the opportunity to present this special issue of les Nouvelles in collaboration with LES International and the European Patent Office," says Jörg Scherer. "With this joint publication, the European IP Helpdesk further strengthens its relations with two key stakeholders in the IP and innovation landscape specifically increasing the service's outreach to the international technology transfer and licensing community through the cooperation with the LESI."

Moreover, it adds to the European IP Helpdesk's previous joint efforts with the EPO – in publications and training activities – to focus discussion and the development of tools for SMEs on IP and commercialisation topics.

Innovation Support Actions
European IP Helpdesk
Your contact
Claire Fritz
Head of IP & Innovation
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