European IPR Helpdesk opens new office in Brussels
First-line support on Intellectual Property Management
Luxembourg / Brussels, 20 June 2016 – The European IPR Helpdesk, an innovation support action funded under the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Commission, is extending its service offer through a new local representation in Brussels. The new premises at Rue du Trône 98 will provide added value to the existing on-site and online training and support services of the European IPR Helpdesk and facilitate communication paths with EU institutions and stakeholders based in Brussels.
For the first time, the IP advisors of the Helpline will also be available on-site on fixed dates. They will provide free-of-charge first-line support and information on IP issues. The use of the new Helpline hours in Brussels requires prior online registration:
The first on-site IP Helpline hours in the Brussels office will take place on Thursday, 30 June 2016, 11 AM – 1 PM & 2 PM – 5 PM.
Additionally, the Helpdesk team is planning to increase the number of on-site networking and training events in Brussels. All events and services will be announced through and the weekly newsletter of the Helpdesk.
“Even though all of our materials and many of our support services are available online, we value the importance of on-site training and networking events. The new premises in Brussels will serve as a central meeting point for stakeholders, experts and EU institutions and strengthen our presence in the European IP and innovation community”, says Jörg Scherer, Head of Communications and Training of the initiative and CEO of Eurice GmbH, one of the three project partners.
About the European IPR Helpdesk
The European IPR Helpdesk is a project funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement No 641474. It supports cross-border SME and research activities to manage, diffuse and valorise technologies and other Intellectual Property (IP) Rights and IP assets at an EU level. Offering a broad range of informative material, a Helpline service for direct IP support and on-site and online training, the European IPR Helpdesk's main goal is to support IP capacity building along the full scale of IP practices: from awareness to strategic use and successful exploitation. This IP competencies empowerment focuses on EU SMEs, participants and candidates in EU-funded projects, and EU innovation stakeholders for an increased diffusion of IP into the EU innovation ecosystem.
Your contact:
Claire Fentsch
European Research and Project Office GmbH
Phone: +49 681 95923379