H2020 Impact Management: Successful Training Workshop for EC Project Officers
The importance of “Integrated Project Management” for exploiting H2020 project results
In a comprehensive and interactive workshop held in the EC training centre "Centre Borschette" in Brussels on September 27, Eurice experts Jörg Scherer and Dr Eugene Sweeney provided 60 EC Project Officers with best practice examples of convincing project management strategies in Horizon 2020 proposals. Both speakers highlighted the importance of an integrated approach including "horizontal activities", such as communication, dissemination, open access, IP management and exploitation. The half-day training event featured practical examples while leaving room for intense discussions about the assessment and review of proper strategies and measures presented in H2020 proposals.
The training programme covered the complete lifecycle of H2020 projects: from capturing, protecting, assessing und further using research results via defining successful communication and dissemination activities through to strong exploitation pathways and innovative business models.
In order to make it accessible for all Project Officers in charge of H2020 programme implementation, the training event was streamlined within the internal EC communication system. Moreover, the training material will soon be available for briefings of proposal evaluators and project reviewers.
These Eurice training activities have been provided within the framework of the European IPR Helpdesk project – funded under Horizon 2020.