Highly productive NOMAD kick-off meeting
From 29-30th of June 2017, the NOMAD consortium met for its kick-off meeting at Saarbrücken, Germany. For this event the Scientific Advisory Board travelled from Argentina and India to Germany to provide the consortium with its strategic and scientific advice.
Before the actual meeting start on June, 29th an informal get-together gave the chance for a first introduction of the consortium members. The two-day kick-off meeting itself took place in a very open, cordial and productive atmosphere at the venue of the coordinator, Dr. Madalina Rabung from Fraunhofer Institute IZFP. Each of the ten partners could introduce all their team members to the whole NOMAD consortium, detailed overviews on the project’s work packages and aims were presented, and afterwards a space for in-depth discussion was provided. Additionally, a formal dinner on the first night of the meeting encouraged further networking within the project.
The kick-off meeting was very fruitful and resulted in a hands-on schedule for the next steps, assignment of clear responsibilities for these steps to the consortium members – even starting before the coming summer break. In perfect fulfilment of its purpose the NOMAD kick-off meeting set the stage for a successful project realisation in the 48 months ahead of the project.