IMPROVE consortium meets in Munich for the 1st Progress Meeting
After one year of project work, Prof. Birgit Vogel-Heuser and her team welcomed the IMPROVE partners at the premises of the AIS at TU Munich for the project’s first Progress Meeting on October 11th and 12th. The Consortium members used the two meeting days discussing the work performed during the first project year, planning next steps and working on a comprehensive exploitation strategy in a friendly and productive atmosphere.
The meeting started off with a tour through the AIS TUM laboratories which was followed by a set of progress sessions relating to the six ongoing technical Work Packages in IMPROVE. Each of the work package leaders presented the work done in their respective work package since the kick-off meeting and concretely explained the next steps to be taken. After the presentations, the partners had lively and fruitful discussions on future steps and possible challenges in the upcoming project work. Amongst other topics they discussed different ways to enhance data acquisition and quality. The day closed with a traditional Bavarian dinner with the entire consortium.
Valuable feedback from the SAB
On meeting day two, Eurice encouraged the partners to develop first ideas on exploitation issues during a two-hour exploitation workshop. After an introductory presentation, the participants split up in three groups and discussed key exploitable results deriving from IMPROVE. They completed a questionnaire and presented their thoughts to the other partners at the end of the workshop. All in all, the workshop highlighted the importance of strategically exploiting the project’s results and the work done in this first session will be followed up during the next meetings.
After lunch, scientific advisor Benno Stein from Bauhaus University Weimar provided the partners with valuable feedback on what has been reached so far and encouraged the Consortium to keep up their commitment and friendly spirit in the consortium. The steering committee and general assembly meetings were followed by a short summary of the two meeting days by the coordinator Prof. Oliver Niggemann who thanked the partners for their engagement and enthusiasm. Some of the partners gathered for group discussions pushing the work in their work packages forward before everyone left in the late afternoon.
Altogether, the meeting was a great success and all participants used the opportunity to have intense discussions in the consortium as a whole as well as in smaller groups strengthening the collaboration and planning their next steps.
For moreTags: Horizon 2020