Improving Tomato Yield in the Face of Climate Change: Horizon 2020 Research Project TomGEM an EU Success Story
Tomatoes, aside from being healthy and tasty, are one of the most widely cultivated crops in the world. However, tomato breeders are facing a major adversary: the increasingly rapid climate change. In March 2016, the EU-funded TomGEM project set out to design heat tolerant tomato varieties and crop management practices to combat harsher temperatures and inclement weather conditions. After 48 project months, the TomGEM project successfully terminated in August 2020. Now, the European Commission has published an article detailing the TomGEM success story.
By identifying heat-tolerant tomato genotypes, TomGEM’s results have lead to tomato varieties with a high tolerance to heat stress but without any compromise on fruit quality or a drop in yield stability. Results generated from the project have been compiled into accessible data-rich platforms that can aid tomato breeders and researchers now as well as in the future.
Eurice has contributed to the overall success of TomGEM as management partner with a focus on financial and exploitation management, and has furthermore ensured successful project communication at an internal and external level.
If you are interested in learning more about TomGEM and its results, please find the EU Commission’s article here: or visit the project website at