Setting the frame for IMPROVE
Successful Kick-Off Meeting in Lemgo defines first steps in the project
After the official project start on September 1st, 2015, the IMPROVE Consortium met for the first time on October 15th and 16th in Lemgo, Germany. Invited by the project coordinator University of Applied Sciences Ostwestfalen-Lippe to the Centrum Industrial IT (CIIT), 13 partners from industry and research institutions as well as two members of the Scientific Advisory Board came together and discussed the first steps for a successful cooperation in the project.
Targeted scientific discussions on Day 2
A warm welcome address by the Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer of the University of Applied Sciences Ostwestfalen-Lippe, Professor Stefan Witte, was followed by a project overview by project coordinator Prof. Oliver Niggemann (inIT). Afterwards, the 13 beneficiaries presented their respective institutions and expertise and outlined their role in the project. The first day ended with a guided tour through the CIIT demonstrators where the participants learned about the latest research in the field of industrial IT performed here.
Day 2 continued with a more detailed focus on the scientific work to be implemented in the project. This was followed by a targeted discussion of the next steps to establish the project framework as well as detailed feedback from the Scientific Advisory Board members Benno Stein (Bauhaus University Weimar) and Alexander Feldman (PARC).
IMPROVE - 13 partners from the whole of Europe
IMPROVE has received funding from the Horizon 2020 European Union funding for Research and Innovation with a total budget of € 4.1 million. The project has a lifecycle of three years and started on September 1st, 2015. IMPROVE aims to develop Human Machine Interface (HMI) solutions that tackle the problem of user support functions in the fields of self-diagnosis and self-optimisation. These HMI solutions shall therefore be standardised, commericalised and made accessible and applicable for European SMEs. The consortium wants to create a virtual Factory of the Future on the basis of different industrial use cases which are transferable to various industrial sectors.
In IMPROVE 13 partners from industrial and research facilities located all over Europe work closely together to make the project a success. They are supported by the seven members of the international IMPROVE Scientific Advisory Board.
Eurice is management partner of IMPROVE and thus contributes to the successful implementation of the goals of the project.
Your contact:
Michaela Scheid
European Research and Project Office GmbH
Tel: 0049 681 9592 3372
Tags: Horizon 2020