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SINPAIN Meeting in Wintry Liverpool: Successful 1st Progress Meeting before Christmas

In mid-December 2022, the SINPAIN consortium held its first progress meeting since the beginning of the project half a year earlier. The University of Liverpool hosted the two-day meeting.

Befitting the run-up to the holidays, beautiful winter weather greeted the meeting participants. Since not all partners could come to the UK so close to Christmas, the meeting was held in a hybrid format.

The meeting offered opportunities for all teams to present their progress and results so far and also allowed for productive discussions and initiated even more constructive collaborations. This will serve to set the tone for future work and interaction between the work packages members and will, overall, lead to better results. On day two, the Eurice team provided updates on project management as well as communication and dissemination efforts.

Upcoming points of action within SINPAIN were also covered. The meeting was rounded off with a walk across the Liverpool university campus on the way to the dinner location.

The partners were delighted to meet in person and are eager to continue the successful development of the SINPAIN project in the upcoming years.

The SINPAIN team are looking forward to meeting again in 2023!

During the SINPAIN Meeting
During the SINPAIN Meeting
View over Liverpool
View over Liverpool
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Eurice offers knowledge-based consultancy services in project and innovation management.

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