Successful 2nd PneumoNP Review Meeting
Just as the new year has begun, the PneumoNP consortium came together in Brussels on January 16-17, 2017 for a combined 2-day Progress/Review Meeting. READMORE
The last three years in PneumoNP passed quickly with plenty of work already done towards developing a new method for the treatment of Klebsiella pneumoniae caused infections. The 4-year project is now entering its final phase in 2017. Therefore, the partners gathered together in Brussels for their 6th Progress Meeting which was dedicated to the progress made in the last six months but had a special focus on what the project needs to do in the next 11.5 months to bring the project to a successful end. This especially concerns the tests with different types of nanocarriers combined with Antimicrobial Peptides (AMPs) to obtain a novel effective inhalable antimicrobial nanosystem. The consortium got into fruitful discussions on the final steps to be implemented towards this goal.
“Great cooperation in working together”
On the second day, the consortium met Dr. Heico Frima, their EC Project Officer, and Dr. María Blanco Prieto as reviewer for their 2nd Review Meeting.
The coordinator and Work Package leaders presented the work done in month 19 to month 36 of the project’s duration giving the Dr. Frima and Dr. Blanco Prieto the opportunity to assess the project’s progress and raise questions. Overall, the project’s progress and especially the interaction of the partners were evaluated positively. In this regard, Prof. Iseult Lynch, External Advisory Board member of PneumoNP, who joined the consortium for the Progress as well as the Review Meeting said: “This is a really engaged project. There is great cooperation in working together and solving problems together.” The consortium will endeavor to keep up this spirit for the final year.
The next meeting will take place in June 2017 in Maastricht, the Netherlands.
PneumoNP is a 4-year collaborative project funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme. It aims to develop a theragnostic system for the treatment of Gram-negative bacterial infections in lungs.
Eurice is involved in PneumoNP as the management partner and contributes to the successful implementation of the project goals.
Tags: FP7