The Seeds are Sown: TomGEM and G2P-SOL Release Film of Joint Kick-off Meeting
Both Horizon 2020 Projects Seek to Meet Agricultural Challenges Posed by Climate Change
Passionate about solanaceae: The two projects TomGEM and G2P-SOL of the Eurice life science portfolio are sharing a central idea. Both projects focus on solanaceous crops and the challenges plant breeders are facing due to changing environmental conditions. The goal is to identify and breed plant varieties with optimised properties (such as heat tolerance, pathogen resistance or a prolonged shelf life). Launched in 2016 under Horizon 2020, the research teams decided to have a joint kick-off meeting to exchange ideas and find fields of collaboration and research overlaps.
Get to know the research teams, learn about their research endeavours, similarities and differences and check out the new film from the joint kick-off meeting in Valencia, Spain.
As part of the multinational consortium, Eurice takes care of the project management and communication activities in both projects. For TomGEM, this included the setup and design of the new project website which has recently been launched:
TomGEM is a four-year project (2016-2020) focusing solely on tomatoes. It addresses yield stability with the aim to produce superior genotypes that are better adapted to high temperature conditions. The researchers strive to understand the factors behind high temperature tolerance in order to design new strategies to maintain high yields and quality of fruit and vegetables.
G2P-SOL is a five-year project (2016-2021) examining the genetic diversity of different varieties of potato, tomato, pepper and eggplant stored in gene banks worldwide. The consortium targets an improved understanding of the variability held in these collections in order to use the gained knowledge for the improvement of these four crops. In the project, a network of repositories will be established where the germplasm is conserved and distributed to stakeholders on request. Additionally, a web-based G2P-SOL gateway will be set up, where the information is centrally made available to the general public, scientists and breeders.
For moreTags: Horizon 2020