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At the European Quantum Technologies Conference 2024 in Lisbon Quantum Projects Network and Prepare for the International Year of Quantum 2025

The European Quantum Technologies Conference (EQTC) is the premier networking event in Europe for scientists, entrepreneurs, and stakeholders in the quantum community. Since its inception in 2019, the conference has grown significantly, and in 2024 it marked its fourth edition. Held in the beautiful city of Lisbon from 18 to 20 November 2024, the event brought together a diverse range of participants from industry, academia, and policy levels. These stakeholders, united under the Quantum Flagship (QF) Initiative, are working together to drive forward the Second Quantum Revolution in Europe.

This year’s conference was particularly significant as it took place on the eve of the United Nations-proclaimed International Year of Quantum Science and Technology (IYQ) for 2025. The gathering provided a valuable opportunity to assess the progress of European quantum research, evaluate the latest developments in the industry, and discuss the key activities planned for the quantum community in 2025.

Outreach Activities with Project Partners

EURICE attended the conference to present, together with our partners, the Quantum Flagship projects from our Quantum Technologies ecosystem: OpenSuperQPlus, EuRyQa, and PASQuanS2, along with a secondary focus on HPCQS. In addition to showcasing materials and videos at the Quantum Flagship booth, we took the opportunity to conduct interviews with key figures in the field, including project coordinators and close collaborators. EURICE was able to connect with Yasser Omar, the EQTC organizer from the Portuguese Quantum Institute, who is also a member of the EuRyQa consortium, and one of the founders of World Quantum Day. Also, Tommaso Calarco, one of the initiators of the QF Initiative, talked to us about the latest developments in quantum technology, such as a Quantum Act and Quantum Chips Plan being considered by the EU Commission to bundle the research efforts of EU member states. During the interviews we conducted, the project coordinators of OpenSuperQPlus, Frank Wilhelm-Mauch, and EuRyQa, Guido Pupillo, also shared with us recent project successes, activities at the EQTC, their plans for the IYQ 2025 and the relevance of the QF Initiative as an umbrella organisation for promoting European efforts towards a true quantum advantage. The total of nine interviews will serve as a foundation for EURICE’s activities during the upcoming IYQ 2025, making the event a success from a communication standpoint.

Benchmarking Quantum Technologies

Besides its value for communication, the conference also promoted dissemination, networking, and stakeholder management. Alongside other key players in the field, EuRyQa partners organised a workshop focused on benchmarking in quantum computing. The session, which drew over 100 attendees, was well-received and sparked insightful discussions. Presentations included results from OpenSuperQPlus, our sister project MILLENION, and of course, EuRyQa. This experience highlighted the growing importance of benchmarking and standardisation in quantum computing, signaling that these aspects will be crucial considerations in future project designs. While there are diverse views on how benchmarking should be approached, it will be interesting to observe the evolving roles of industry and academia in shaping this area.

Trends in the Field and Key Takeaways

The EQTC 2024 provided interesting insights into the latest scientific and political trends that may influence the future of quantum technologies and the projects EURICE is involved in. Key developments, such as the Quantum Act, as well as the increasing interconnections between Quantum Technologies, High Performance Computing, and AI, are likely to have a profound impact on the field. "The conference also offered us an excellent platform for discussing potential new collaborations and the further development of our portfolio in the quantum field, setting the stage for the next phase of innovation", says Corinna Hahn, Research and Innovation Manager Quantum Technologies at EURICE.

Opening speech at the EQTC 2024
Opening speech at the EQTC 2024
EQTC 2024 Main Auditorium
EQTC 2024 Main Auditorium
Special session on 'Benchmarking of Quantum Computing' with Zoltán Zimborás (OpenSuperQPlus), Shannon Whitlock (EuRyQa), Yasser Omar (EQTC host, EuRyQa) and Frank Wilhelm-Mauch (OpenSuperQPlus coordinator)
Special session on 'Benchmarking of Quantum Computing' with Zoltán Zimborás (OpenSuperQPlus), Shannon Whitlock (EuRyQa), Yasser Omar (EQTC host, EuRyQa) and Frank Wilhelm-Mauch (OpenSuperQPlus coordinator)
Large audience for the benchmarking session
Large audience for the benchmarking session
Zoltán Zimborás (OpenSuperQPlus), Shannon Whitlock (EuRyQa), Frank Wilhelm-Mauch (OpenSuperQPlus coordinator) and Guido Pupillo (EuRyQa coordinator)
Zoltán Zimborás (OpenSuperQPlus), Shannon Whitlock (EuRyQa), Frank Wilhelm-Mauch (OpenSuperQPlus coordinator) and Guido Pupillo (EuRyQa coordinator)
EQTC 2024 organiser Yasser Omar in front of the Portuguese Quantum Institute booth
EQTC 2024 organiser Yasser Omar in front of the Portuguese Quantum Institute booth
Frank Wilhelm-Mauch (OpenSuperQPlus coordinator) and Thomas Monz (coordinator of MILLENION) at the Quantum Flagship booth
Frank Wilhelm-Mauch (OpenSuperQPlus coordinator) and Thomas Monz (coordinator of MILLENION) at the Quantum Flagship booth
Project materials from HPCQS, PASQuanS2, EuRyQa and OpenSuperQPlus at the Quantum Flagship stand
Project materials from HPCQS, PASQuanS2, EuRyQa and OpenSuperQPlus at the Quantum Flagship stand
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