Eurice Kickstarts 2024 with Several New Projects Across Key Research and Innovation Ecosystems
2024 is off to a strong start for Eurice. During the first quarter of 2024, we have launched eight new projects, bolstering various of our thematic project ecosystems from “Health”, to “Society”, and “Industrial Technologies”.
With the addition of these new projects, Eurice is now actively involved in over 50 running Horizon 2020/Horizon Europe R&I collaborations, which tackle critical issues faced by people across Europe, such as climate change, healthcare problems, societal challenges, and industrial competitiveness.
Addressing Pressing Healthcare Needs
Eurice has long recognised the growing healthcare challenges in Europe. Our robust portfolio of projects in the health research field addresses these issues by aiming to improve preventative measures, diagnostics, treatments, and overall well-being for a wide range of health-related challenges. The three just-launched projects are no exception:
“With the new projects JOIN4ATMP, NuCapCure, and I-SCREEN, we are continuing our long-standing track record of being an active partner in multinational and interdisciplinary health research initiatives at the forefront of the most pressing topics of our time. These three European projects address a range of medical needs: from streamlining access to advanced therapies (JOIN4ATMP) to targeting an aggressive form of brain cancer (NuCapCure), and utilising AI to improve diagnosis and treatment of macular degeneration – the leading cause of vision loss in older adults (I-SCREEN),” says Dr Sanja Šale, lead of our “Health” ecosystem.
Creating Solutions for Inclusive, Innovative, and Equitable European Societies
In addition, Eurice is involved in a variety of projects in the social sciences and humanities. These innovative projects champion social inclusion and the promotion of shared values, such as democracy, human rights, gender equality, and the richness of cultural diversity.
“This approach is continued and expanded in PROTEMO, MTSS-K, and READJUST,” elaborates Sandra Türk, who heads the ‘Society’ project portfolio at Eurice. “These projects focus on creating inclusive societies with equitable chances for all citizens, albeit with fundamentally different focus points – early literacy education, the digital and green transitions, and the emotional dynamics of protective policies.”
Powering a Sustainable Future
Our "Industrial Technologies" ecosystem welcomes DigiCell, a new project continuing the legacy of our successful NanoBat initiative. DigiCell aims to tackle the green transition from a different perspective: sustainable battery production. By innovating battery manufacturing processes, DigiCell strives to make a clean energy future with a reduced carbon footprint a tangible reality.
These efforts also have the potential to lay a solid scientific foundation for the electrification of transportation and increasing energy storage efficiency, which represent two of the biggest challenges of our time.
Fusing Art, Innovation, and Sustainability through Citizen Engagement
Our eighth new project, VOICE, leverages artistic interventions to foster collaboration in designing sustainable solutions at the intersection of green technologies and social engagement. Slightly different to the aforementioned research and innovation projects, VOICE is a so-called “Coordination and Support Action” (CSA), a specific type of project under the EU’s Horizon Europe Programme that focuses on strengthening the European Research Area through enhanced cooperation and networking activities, policy dialogues, awareness raising or mutual learning.
Along this line, VOICE aims to foster dialogue, creativity, and co-creation among citizens, industry, and diverse stakeholders, with a strong emphasis on building a vibrant Community of Practice. By leveraging arts and cultural institutions as platforms for collaboration, the project seeks to cultivate a dynamic ecosystem where individuals from different backgrounds and disciplines come together.
With all eight of these new initiatives, we are proud to play a leading role in shaping a better, healthier and more inclusive future for all Europeans.
Explore the short profiles of our new projects below and follow the links to dive deeper into the respective topics on the individual project websites:


Industrial Technologies

Coordination & Support Action