Team Eurice Supports the EIC Community as Innovation Coach
The European Innovation Council (EIC), with a budget of €10.1 billion (2021-2027), plays an important role in the European innovation ecosystem. It...
Entering the Final Spurt: SYSCID Project Hosts International Symposium in Kiel and Launches New Interview Series
It’s been a busy past few weeks for the SYSCID team as the project is wrapping up its activities this month. From 29-30 August 2022, the team hosted t...
Food Legumes Project INCREASE Comes Together in Italy for Annual Meeting
In mid-September, the INCREASE consortium came together in Ancona, Italy, for the very first in-person project meeting since its launch in 2020. The m...
First In-Person Annual Plenary Meeting for the HIPPOCRATES Consortium
Between the 5th and 6th of September, the HIPPOCRATES Annual meeting took place at the Novartis campus in Basel, Switzerland. This was the first oppor...
Investigating Neurological and Neuropsychiatric Complications Following COVID-19 Infections: Eurice Joins New EU Research Project NEUROCOV
Within the still ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, a further pandemic has started to emerge – that of long-term neurological and neuropsychiatric complicatio...
Transitioning To Healthier Diets Based On Sustainable Plant-based Fermented Foods: Eurice Partners in New EU Research Project HealthFerm
Bread, pickles, olives, sauerkraut, vinegar, kimchi, miso paste, chutneys and wine: these are just a few of the many plant-based fermented foods that...
Transforming Cancer Treatments with AI-Empowered Personalised Medicine Tool: KATY Project Shares New Video
In recent years, personalised medicine coupled with artificial intelligence (AI) has brought about a paradigm shift in medicine. These transformative...
PIONEERED Project Launches Animated Video: Tackling Educational Inequalities by Transforming Educational Policy
Inequality in European education systems remains a considerable problem. The EU-funded research project PIONEERED has just released a video clip intro...
Join the European Research and Innovation Days 2022 Online on 28 & 29 September
The European Research and Innovation Days are the European Commission’s annual flagship Research and Innovation event, bringing together policymakers,...
HORIZON2020 FET Open Project APRICOT: European Commission Commends Eurice for Excellent Work in the Dissemination and Exploitation of Project Results
Now almost at the halfway mark, the Horizon2020 FET Open research project APRICOT is well underway. In its latest review, the European Commission comm...
Innovative Recycling: Eurice Joins EU Research Project RELiEF to Give New Life to Previously Unrecovered Lithium in Batteries
The demand for lithium has almost quadrupled over the last decade paired with a staggering price hike. Supply still seems to be keeping up with the in...
Together Again: TBMED Progress Meeting in Hannover, Germany
It still seems unreal, but it actually happened: After more than two long years of online meetings, the TBMED consortium finally met in person again b...
Eurice Publishes Special Issue of “les Nouvelles” on Technology Transfer Together with the Licensing Executive Society International & European Patent Office
As part of the European IP Helpdesk's communication activities coordinated by Eurice, the team has joined forces with the European Patent Office (EPO)...
Launch of New EU Project "SafePolyMed": Towards Safer Drug Treatment and Enhanced Patient Empowerment
Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are a major burden to our healthcare and economic systems. In Europe alone, approximately 197,000 deaths per year can be...
By project
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- B-SMART (19)
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- BreedingValue (7)
- BRESOV (6)
- CARAT (8)
- CHIC (2)
- circRTrain (2)
- CLOSE (5)
- cmRNAbone (5)
- CoMMiTMenT (5)
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- CureCN (4)
- DEEP (2)
- DISCO (5)
- EMAPS-Cardio (4)
- EuNetAir (2)
- EURAS (2)
- European IP Helpdesk 2018-2023 (17)
- European IP Helpdesk 2023-2026 (1)
- EuRyQa (2)
- eWHORM (1)
- EXPERT (6)
- Fit for Health 2.0 (11)
- G2P-SOL (5)
- GoodBerry (7)
- HCA | Organoid (1)
- HealthFerm (3)
- HPCQS (3)
- Hypo-RESOLVE (2)
- ImmUniverse (2)
- ImmunoSep (2)
- IPR Helpdesk (24)
- KATY (2)
- LipiDiDiet (3)
- MeBattery (2)
- miGut-Health (2)
- MIMY (3)
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- MuSiC4Diabetes (2)
- NanoBat (7)
- ncRNAPain (2)
- NEON (1)
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- OpenSuperQPlus (2)
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- PASQuanS2 (2)
- Patho-NGen-Trace (1)
- PAVE (4)
- PneumoNP (10)
- PredictTB (1)
- QSOLID (1)
- RAMSES (2)
- REALM (1)
- REDDIE (2)
- RELiEF (2)
- Route2025 (5)
- SafePolyMed (1)
- SAM.SSA (3)
- SBR (6)
- Screen4Care (3)
- ScreenTB (1)
- SENSIndoor (3)
- SOB4ES (2)
- SynSignal (4)
- SYSCID (6)
- SysMedPD (5)
- TANDEM (1)
- TBMED (7)
- TomGEM (8)
- Yscript (4)